
Are You B Positive?

There is a serious health concern affecting thousands if not millions of people on a daily basis. This issue can wreak havoc in the lives of those affected, keeping them from truly enjoying a meaningful existence. Because of this issue, many suffer from other consequent issues which continue to perpetrate the problem. Stress, anxiety and depression is the result and it continues to create challenges for some. Unless you experience or have experienced this challenge, you may not know how stifling it can be. I am speaking about poor self-image and poor body positivity.

Due to the negative way people view themselves, whether it is their physical self or their mental and emotional state, determines a great deal on how they ‘think’ the world will perceive them and causes them to behave in a different manner. People may not want to be around other people, may avoid social interactions, may feel depressed, may establish negative eating habits, may use substances to cope, etc.

People with poor self-image often engage in negative self-talk. What are you telling yourself in the mirror? What are you telling yourself about yourself?  Are you smiling at your own reflection? Do you embrace your unique qualities? Do you hug yourself with positive words and affirmations? Or are you shaming yourself? Are you harsh and mean inside your own mind? Are you allowing the words of others to become your thoughts? Or treating yourself poorly because you feel inadequate somehow?

Do not let your mind bully your body.

We are so very harsh on ourselves at times. We don’t extend the same grace to ourselves as we would to others. When was the last time you told someone they are too fat, too ugly, too this or too that? Chances are you haven’t because it would be rude, mean, cruel and ghastly to do so…but why do it to yourself? Like yourself. Treat yourself kind. Be the friend you want for your own self because those positive affirmations first start with you.

Body positivity is about loving you, perceived flaws and all. It’s okay to have the desire to want to change things but negativity shouldn’t be the driving force, neither should reducing yourself down to just being a body.

Many people hear ‘Body Positivity’  and they think of ‘fat acceptance’ or ‘body shaming’. To me body positivity is much more. Body positivity means, yes  you are accepting your physical body, but  you are also accepting and loving your inside you.

Healthy Body=Healthy Mind + Healthy Image

Don’t just be body positive, Be Positive. Be in a head space where you are able to look at yourself and smile, laugh, love, give, receive…be in a place where you don’t wonder what someone meant by that, whereas you aren’t concerned with what ‘they’ think, you don’t care about what ‘they’ have and you aren’t worried about what ‘they’ are laughing about because you are too busy being body positive.

In a world where there are so many influences telling us what to think, what to feel, what to do, how to be, how to look, etc. it gets hard. If you don’t feel like you have the right tools to Be Positive for  your own body then perhaps counseling can help. Contact us today to begin the journey to a better body positive attitude!